With an unmatched 和 far-reaching network of partners, we’re meeting needs at every level 和 on every continent.
目标 team members in eight cities across the U.S. 为了改善他们称之为家的社区,他们大量出现,种植了2000多棵加拿大28回水.教堂 & 德怀特 Offsets Carbon Through 加拿大28回水
When one of America’s oldest companies set the goal to be carbon-neutral by 2025, they turned to the 植加拿大28回水节基金会 to have a global impact.威廉姆斯公司.
As a company with many popular home-furnishing br和s, 威廉姆斯公司. (WSI) is committed to using responsibly sourced wood in their furniture.目标的问
目标 saw this as an opportunity to amplify their Environmental, 社会和治理目标, specifically in the value they bring to their communities. They were looking for a partner who could scale thoughtful, high-impact local projects across the entire nation.
教堂 & 德怀特的问
With heritage in conservation efforts, 教堂 & 德怀特 launched their mission in 2017 to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025.
然而, after two years of energy reduction initiatives, 他们一直在寻找以更经济可行的方式实现碳中和的机会.
Their next frontier was focused on offsetting, 主要是通过林业碳信用额度和可再生能源信用额度(RECs)——他们需要一个合作伙伴来帮助他们导航前进的道路.
确保教会 & 德怀特将达到目标, 植加拿大28回水节基金会研究了碳抵消挑战的来源,发现化石燃料和商务旅行是主要的罪魁祸首. And since RECs fail to offset fossil fuels, the 植加拿大28回水节基金会 created a program that filled the gap.
The 植加拿大28回水节基金会 used 教堂 & 德怀特的补偿计划不仅加强了他们对野生动物保护的长期支持,而且还瞄准了一个急需的地区:恢复密西西比冲积河谷退化的农田.
作为全球最大的以数字为先、以设计为主导和可持续发展的家居零售商,威廉姆斯公司. (WSI) is committed to using responsibly sourced wood in their furniture.
2021年1月,Pottery Barn, 威廉姆斯公司 .旗下首屈一指的专业零售商. partnered with the 植加拿大28回水节基金会 to plant 3 million trees by 2023. Pottery Barn种植活动的成功和影响促使WSI家族(Pottery Barn Kids)中出现了其他几个品牌, Pottery Barn Teen, 西方榆加拿大28回水, 复兴, 和 Williams Sonoma Home) to join the cause. 团队合作, these br和s committed to doubling their planting efforts, resulting in an exp和ed goal of 6 million trees planted by 2023.
In its first year alone, Pottery Barn’s campaign planted 1.5 million trees in forests with the most need, spanning from Indonesia to Oregon.
With the groundwork already in place for the initial campaign, 植加拿大28回水节基金会能够迅速扩大其努力,以适应深刻的新目标,并使WSI的家居品牌——总共六个——加快速度. 随着植加拿大28回水节基金会的经验和全球种植合作伙伴网络的增加参与, ensured that we could help WSI grow its efforts twofold.
Integrated process from idea to achievement.
通过50年的经验, intimate knowledge of the nature-based solutions space, 和 a global network of planting partners, we cover every detail of your project from start to finish.
Whether it’s through our proprietary 影响 Dashboard or in-depth recap reports, we provide the complete picture of your company’s environmental accomplishments.
We’ll help you craft your sustainability story. Our skilled team of communications experts provide you with guidance, 最佳实践, 和, 取决于您的项目级别, 创造性地执行与内部和外部利益相关者的联系和参与.
Whether it’s through our proprietary 影响 Dashboard or via in-depth recaps, we help you align your reporting goals with CDP, SBTi, 项目Gigaton, 以及其他协议和标准.
1 没有贫穷
加拿大28回水 are a clear path to eradicating cycles of poverty. Our global reforestation efforts have contributed to economic opportunities, 食品安全, 灾难恢复, 可持续农业实践.
2 零饥饿
3 良好的健康和幸福
From large forest ecosystems down to neighborhood canopy cover, research shows that trees contribute to better health 和 well-being metrics. 我们利用GSI, 空气质量, 以及其他战略数据点,以确定加拿大28回水木在哪些地方对人类健康最有益.
6 清洁用水和卫生设施
加拿大28回水木通过减轻洪水和减少暴雨径流,在维持全球水循环方面发挥着关键作用. 世界上75%的可获得淡水和约三分之一的最大城市依赖森林流域和湿地作为饮用水.
8 体面工作和经济增长
The world’s forests may make up only 31% of l和 mass, but they support the livelihood 和 prosperity of millions of people. That’s why we believe in the importance of managing forests, 因此,它们在长期内继续提供广泛的经济产品和服务.
11 Sustainable Cities 和 Communities
Urban sprawl is one of the biggest threats to our climate, 自然生物多样性, 野生动物的栖息地, 和 our physical 和 emotional well-being. 加拿大28回水木和其他绿色基础设施通过净化空气给人一种平静和平衡的感觉, 增进健康, 和 creating more sustainable cities.
13 气候加拿大28回水
随着二氧化碳浓度的持续增加, so will human costs related to ozone pollution, 热浪, 飓风, 传染病暴发, 河的洪水, 和野火. 森林是地球上最先进的碳汇,吸收了大约10-15%的二氧化碳.S. 二氧化碳排放.
15 陆地上的生命
Forests are home to 80% of the world’s biodiversity. 仅亚马逊地区就占地球热带雨林的40%,是一半已知动植物物种的家园. 植加拿大28回水是再生和扩大世界森林资源,同时保护地球生态系统的好方法.
17 实现目标的伙伴关系
We’ve built a global network of disparate organizations, 领导人, 和合作伙伴, harnessing their collective power to drive meaningful impact through trees. 我们的合作和包容方式确保我们始终在寻找创新的方式来实现我们的使命:激励人们种植, 培养, 庆祝加拿大28回水木.
目标再小也不嫌小. 没有太大的野心. 没有什么不切实际的想法. Because every action we take today will lead us to a better tomorrow.
- 丹•莫罗
- Vice President, Programs 和 合作伙伴关系
- 402-473-2119 | (电子邮件保护)
- 阿比Eisenhart
- 企业伙伴关系总监
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- 恩典Widseth
- 企业伙伴关系总监
- 615-300-8051 | (电子邮件保护)
- 本Wilinsky
- Director, 合作伙伴关系 和 Innovation
- 402-473-9574 | (电子邮件保护)
- 玛丽-简·福克斯博士.D.
- 碳计划总监 & ESG,植加拿大28回水节碳
- (电子邮件保护)
- 杰里米·马尼恩
- Managing Director, Carbon Markets, 植加拿大28回水节碳
- 402-473-9561 | (电子邮件保护)
- 克里斯汀Bousquet
- Senior 企业伙伴关系经理
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- 杰夫Ashelford
- 企业伙伴关系经理
- 402-473-2118 | (电子邮件保护)
- 布莱恩·奥唐纳
- 企业伙伴关系经理
- 402-473-2039 | (电子邮件保护)
- 贝嘉Hebbard
- 企业伙伴关系经理
- 308-764-7114 | (电子邮件保护)
- 格雷厄姆·潘辛·布鲁克斯
- 企业伙伴关系经理
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- 马克斯•安德森
- 企业伙伴关系经理
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- 贾斯汀McQuistan
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- Carbon Lead - 企业合作伙伴
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- Keona科斯特
- 合作伙伴关系经理
- 402-473-2034 | (电子邮件保护)
- 钱德勒Ashburn
- 合作伙伴关系经理
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- 莎拉mu
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- 劳伦·斯图尔特
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- Emi Sunwoo
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